Amputation Injury Attorneys in Fort Wayne

patient with a prosthetic leg following an amputation

Whether due to trauma or surgery, nothing can prepare you for the emotional hardships associated with losing a limb. Suffering through an amputation requires years of rehabilitation and extensive financial resources in order to make a full recovery. If another party’s negligence or misconduct resulted in your amputation injury, you need an experienced, Fort Wayne amputation lawyer who will fight for the compensation you need and deserve. Contact our Fort Wayne personal injury lawyers for a free consultation, today!

What Are Common Causes of Amputation Injuries?

While some amputations are planned, such as a surgeon’s removal of a limb due to invasive cancer, many amputation injuries are due to trauma, such as:

  • Traffic accidents – If an auto accident occurred due to another party’s negligence or misconduct, and you lost a limb, a personal injury law service may be able to recover compensation for your damages.
  • Work-related injuries, such as construction site-related injuries, which are hazardous work environments
  • Industrial accidents
  • Farming accidents
  • Medical malpractice – If a physician’s misdiagnosis/delayed diagnosis led to the spread of cancer or infection, which later necessitated amputation, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages.
  • Product liability

What Compensation is Available for Amputation Injuries in Indiana?

filing compensation for amputation injuryFort Wayne amputation injury attorney, Richard Truitt, has handled the needs of clients who have suffered various types of accidental amputation injuries. Regardless of the type of amputation, the underlying similarity of all injured parties was years of rehabilitation in order to adjust to their new quality of life.

Rehabilitation is not a minor financial burden: many require prosthetics, which can cost approximately $80,000 and need to be replaced once or twice a decade.

If your amputation injury was due to another party’s negligence or misconduct, you need an amputation injury attorney on your side that will fight for deserved compensation, which may include:

  • Loss of wages
  • Prosthetics
  • Related medical bills
  • Lower quality of life

What Is the Statute of Limitations for an Amputation Injury Lawsuit?

For the state of Indiana, you have two years to file your amputation injury lawsuit. After those two years have passed, you will lose your opportunity to have your case heard. So, do not delay if you are planning to file a lawsuit. Those two years can go by quickly.

Call our Fort Wayne Amputation Injury Attorneys Today

Severed limbs lawyer Richard Truitt of Truitt Law Offices has over thirty-seven years of experience representing clients with devastating injuries. He understands the worth of your case and will fight to obtain your full compensation. If you or a loved one has suffered an amputation injury, please contact our personal injury law offices online or call us at (888) 665-1972 to schedule your free interview. Make your first call, your only call.

Visit Our Indiana Amputation Injury Law Offices