
Injured victim from car accident consulting lawyer for claims.

If you’ve suffered injuries in a car accident caused by another driver, you have a right to pursue compensation for your losses. A car accident attorney can make the claims process more manageable and help you maximize your compensation. But how much does it cost to hire a car accident…

Indiana dog bite law

Dogs are usually considered great, friendly and playful family pets. Occasionally, dog bite injuries happen. Pet owners are generally responsible for controlling their pet, and suitably training and restraining them to avoid injury to the public. Failure to do this is illegal in many states and unfortunately, the owner may…

White truck passing in the highway.

According to the Indiana Code, semi-trucks cannot drive in the left lane of a highway unless they are passing a slower car, entering or exiting a highway, or avoiding a hazard. This law aims to protect other drivers on the road and reduce the chance of truck crashes.    …

Drivers involved in accident exchanging details for insurance claims.

Many clients ask whether their personal injury cases will settle or go to trial. Industry estimates suggest about 95 percent of car accident claims resolve through settlements, leaving only five percent of cases that go to court. However, even if only a fraction of Indiana car accident cases go to…

Wife comforting his sad husband on a wheelchair.

When a person is injured in an accident, their spouse may also suffer if the injuries affect their marital relationship. In particular, a spouse may feel emotional distress because of the other spouse’s injuries. Indiana law allows spouses to seek compensation for harm to their relationship through a “loss of…

Driver injured from car accident suffering from head injuries.

Both neurological and psychological damage can cause memory loss after a car accident. Memories should return within hours or days. However, prolonged memory loss might indicate a severe injury, such as a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Seek medical care immediately after any traffic collision. Once you have seen a doctor,…