Construction Site Fall Attorneys in Fort Wayne

construction worker injured from ladder fall

Workers fall from ladders at construction sites. In fact, falls from ladders cause nearly one third of all fall-related deaths in the construction industry. Ladders are also involved in nearly one-quarter of non-fatal construction site falls.

Most often, ladder falls happen when unexpected movement of the ladder occurs, usually at the bottom. Most ladder falls happen from a height of no more than 8-12 feet.

Sometimes the construction worker causes the fall. Reaching too far above or to the side of the ladder can cause a loss of balance and a fall. But other times, somebody or something else causes the fall. Damaged or defective ladders, improper safety systems, or ground interference from construction vehicles are just a few things that cause construction site ladder falls.

Most job site ladder falls can be prevented with proper safety precautions. Falls usually happen when workers receive improper training or when contractors try to cut corners to save money and time.

What Are Common Injuries From Ladder Falls?

Most ladder falls happen from 8-12 feet. Even if this does not sound far, a fall from that height can easily cause significant spinal or brain injuries – and sometimes both injuries. Unlike broken bones that heal over time, spinal or brain injuries can cause a lifetime of pain, suffering, and medical care.

After a serious brain or spinal cord injury, injured workers find themselves in a new and unknown world. Long-term hospital care, rehabilitation, additional surgeries, and a dramatic reduction in the quality of life are all part of their new reality. Likewise, their spouses, children, and families must also adjust to this unexpected situation.

injured worker

What Are Some Medical Expenses Related to Ladder Falls?

Brain or spinal cord injuries may require months and years of medical treatment. This results in massive medical bills. It is not surprising to see medical bills of $100,000 or more immediately following such injuries. It is also common to see more than $3 million dollars in lifetime care costs following serious brain or spinal injuries. This is just for medical care. It does not include any value for the pain and suffering experienced by the injured worker or a family’s losses.

Why Do You Need an Attorney After A Ladder Fall?

When a worker is injured from a fall on the job site, workers’ compensation usually covers the immediate medical bills. But benefits often stop there. There is no relief for an injured worker’s pain and suffering.

Ladder falls happen. When they do, injured workers should talk to a lawyer with construction site ladder fall experience. A lawyer that handles these types of cases can analyze the facts of the case, identify the responsible parties, and help an injured worker understand the legal options available. There may be options other than the limited workers’ compensation benefits.

Truitt Law Offices represent injured workers in construction site ladder fall cases. The construction accident lawyers at Truitt Law Offices treat every client with compassion and care. We rely on over 40 years of experience to make sure the injured worker receives a full and fair settlement. Contact our office today to set up your free consultation.

We represent injured construction workers in Fort Wayne, Huntington, and throughout Indiana.

Visit Our Indiana Construction Site Injury Law Offices